
Dental Work and Holidays: A Guide for Travellers

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Dental Work and Holidays: A Guide for Travellers

Just because you go on holiday, doesn't mean that the bacteria on your mouth does. Hi! My name is Mandi, and as a lover of travelling, I have taken a lot of trips. Unfortunately, I have also had the misfortune to suffer from dental issues on those trips. This blog focuses on everything related to travelling and dental work. I plan to have posts on picking the right travel insurance for your teeth, dealing with a broken tooth when abroad, dental tourism and more. I hope that you find the information that you need and that your next holiday goes well. Now, let's smile together from wherever we are in the world! Happy travels!

Caring for Dentures

Caring for dentures 

Oral hygiene should be an important part of anyone's life, at every age, whether you have your own teeth, or false teeth.

Your aim should always be to preserve whatever teeth are in your mouth. Caring for false teeth requires daily care and regular visits to the oral hygienist and the dentist, just as with regular teeth. The only difference is that you will not have to visit your dentist quite as often if you have false teeth as if you have all, or most, of your own teeth.

Caring for false teeth

False teeth are constructed out of metal, plastic and acrylic. Although these substances will not be susceptible to the same sort of decay as your real teeth, they need to be looked after carefully. Failure to do so can lead to problems with the appearance of the teeth, as well as ulcers or even infections in the mouth.

Caring for removable dentures

You should remove your dentures regularly to clean them. This should be at least every night, but you may find it necessary to remove them after you have eaten, simply to dislodge any scraps of food that may have become stuck between the teeth or even under the plate. In this case, you should simply run warm water over the dentures and then allow them to dry partially before re-inserting them in your mouth.

At night, after removing your dentures, you should use a soft toothbrush to clean the inside of your mouth. The dentures should be brushed, using a denture cleanser. They should then be placed in a mild soaking solution overnight. Remember to rinse them thoroughly before inserting them in your mouth in the morning.

Avoid using any abrasive products on your dentures and don't ever soak them in water that is too hot and will cause them to warp.

If you look after your removable dentures properly, they should last for up to ten years. It is possible, though, that the dentures may need to be readjusted after a few years, due to normal wear or tear or any changes in your mouth.  

Caring for implant-fixed removable dentures

Implant-fixed removable dentures are a set of false teeth that has been fixed to permanent implants in your mouth. There is no base plate for the dentures in this case. These dentures should also be removed for regular cleaning and maintenance.

Caring for implant-fixed permanent dentures

It is possible for a set of false teeth to be permanently attached to implants in your mouth. These teeth need to be brushed and flossed regularly. You will also need to make regular visits to your dentist and oral hygienist for maintenance of your teeth. Your dentist will advise you as to how often these visits need to be.