
Dental Work and Holidays: A Guide for Travellers

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Dental Work and Holidays: A Guide for Travellers

Just because you go on holiday, doesn't mean that the bacteria on your mouth does. Hi! My name is Mandi, and as a lover of travelling, I have taken a lot of trips. Unfortunately, I have also had the misfortune to suffer from dental issues on those trips. This blog focuses on everything related to travelling and dental work. I plan to have posts on picking the right travel insurance for your teeth, dealing with a broken tooth when abroad, dental tourism and more. I hope that you find the information that you need and that your next holiday goes well. Now, let's smile together from wherever we are in the world! Happy travels!

What are the Steps for Getting Dentures?

If you are missing multiple teeth, you might decide to get partial or full dentures. These can look and feel just like your normal teeth and have a basic procedural process. Here is what you can expect when you decide to get dentures.

Getting X-Rays

The first step of getting dentures is going through the exam and x-rays. Your dentist will want to examine your gums and mouth to ensure the gums are healthy enough for the dentures. If any infections are present, those need to be treated before you can be fitted for dentures. You will then have x-rays performed along with impressions that help the dental lab know what size of dentures to make for you. If you are getting implant-supported dentures, the x-rays also look at the health of your bone to see if it can support the implant or if you need a bone graft.

Choosing the Type of Dentures

Once you have gotten your x-rays, you will need to choose the type of dentures you want. The dentist will work with you to decide on the approximate size and shape of the teeth for your dentures. They will also inform you of the benefits of implant-supported dentures if you choose this option. If you have some teeth remaining, you will also be given the option to either get partial dentures for only the current missing teeth, or to have those teeth extracted and get a full set of dentures. If your natural teeth are still healthy, you might want to choose partial dentures for now.

Going Through the Implant Procedure

If your dentures will be supported by dental implants, you will then need to go through the implant procedure. This involves numbing the area, then making an incision into your gums. The metal post is installed into the bone underneath the gums, and the gums are then sutured. It will take a few months for the healing process to be completed. During this time, your bone will start to heal around the post, holding it in place. Once this process is done, you will have a metal piece attached to the top of the post, which is what the dentures will attach to.

Receiving the Dentures

The final step is when you finally get your dentures. Keep in mind that it will take some time before you get used to wearing them. They may feel slightly uncomfortable or they may move around a lot. In time, you will get used to caring for them, talking with them, and eating with the dentures in your mouth.

If you have any other questions about getting dentures, consider contacting a local dentist, such as Thomas Aulsebrook & Associates, to discuss your concerns.